Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Amreesh Chandra was appointed the SDG Ambassador for India by the Dainik Jagran Group, India in the year 2016. In the role of the Ambassador, Amreesh pursued education and awareness of the SDGs in his circle of influence and areas of work. He believes that to achieve the 2030 targets society must be actively engaged and for that, everyone needs to be educated on the implementation and action of the 17 sustainable development goals.

In the year 2022, Amreesh launched The Canvas – a student-led SDG initiative in the House of Lords, United Kingdom in the presence of eminent educationists and policymakers. To urge individual action on the SDGs and promote awareness of the same across societies, institutions and agencies.

In India, The Canvas appointed members from the teaching fraternity to plan and promote Education for SDGs (ESD) at the high school level and make it curriculum inclusive K-12 wide. Amreesh says, ‘The goals’ most important ask is, that agencies alone cannot achieve the targets, they require multilateral working and everyone to take responsibility for being the SDG-oriented citizens of the world.’

With his aim to propel sustainability as a culture not merely a mindset, he wishes to escalate awareness from school to school and the same at the university level, through the appointment of students as ambassadors who represent and work for individual SDGs and inspire a great many amongst the student force to action a positive change for people, planet and prosperity.

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